Monday, June 17, 2002

Guiltless Sleep

Guiltless Sleep

I must be headed in the wrong direction.  Two nights in a row, I've had near nightmares of the office (I don't really have an office, per se) where I'm working for two different CEO's (a different one each night) and they're clearly hiding information from me.  When I awoke, I had some anxiety and the feeling that I need to race to the office and defend myself.  And then I remembered it was a dream, again.  The timing of these dreams is interesting.  In the next few days, Boulderdash is going to enter the next phase of its life: we're going to start cashing larger checks from our main customer, we're getting a million more bucks of investment money, a new CEO, larger office space closer to town, more employees, my friend and co-founder is going to be demoted from CEO to VP Engineering (this could be a blessing in disguise) and I'm going to get re-org'd under him (the VP of Marketing reporting to the VP of Engineering...hmmmm)--this is because the new CEO is probably gonna demote me too, eventually.  Literally, the growing pains of startup caused by the "pros" pushing the amateurs out of the way.  Oh don't mind us beginners, we just got us here, that's all.  The coffee is over there.  By next month, we'll have moved and my commute will be the packed highway instead of the rolling hills drive that I've enjoyed for the last two years.  But right now, it's 8:39am and I'm still unshowered, barefooted, and in shorts working from home.  I do this in the quiet of the morning before I head out for my 45 minute commute to our very affordable small offices out by the lake.  I guess real VPs of Marketing don't do this.  They are sleeping poorly, rising early, and defending themselves in the office.



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